From I-90 Seattle :
Take Exit
off of I-90...
Turn Right (North) to Ephrata on Hwy
Go 5 Miles past Ephrata and Turn Left to Soap Lake Heading North on Hwy
Turn Right Onto Hwy 2 (East) at the Hwy 17 / US 2 Junction...
Just past Coulee City, Stay Straight at the US 2/ Hwy
155 Junction.
Continue North on Hwy
155. You are
now entering the Grand Coulee,
Banks Lake is to your Left, and it's Only 25 Minutes to the SkyDeck
You will see Us on the Left Side of the Hwy at the North end of Electric
Turn Left Down the Drive, The Office is by the Lake.
From I-5 / US 2 Everett
Get on US 2 and Head East... Through Leavenworth, Cashmere, and past
Wenatchee, Crossing Over the Columbia river and Turning Left at the
Stop Light.
Still on US 2, Head North, with the Columbia river on your Left... turn at
Orando towards Waterville, still on US 2 Eastbound... Continue through
Waterville, Douglas,
and Coulee City... Just past Coulee City... Stay Straight at the US 2/ Hwy
Junction. Continue North on Hwy
155. You are
now entering the Grand Coulee,
Banks Lake is to your Left, and it's Only 25 Minutes to the SkyDeck
You will see Us on the Left Side of the Hwy at the North end of Electric
Turn Left Down the Drive, The Office is by the Lake.
From I-90 Spokane :
Take Exit 177
off of I-90... onto US Hwy 2 Westbound...
Continue for 65 Miles through Airway Heights, Rearden, Davenport, Creston &
Just past Wilbur, Turn Right onto Hwy 174 Heading North...
Stay on 174 for 20 Miles to the Town of Grand Coulee...
At the Hwy 174/155 Junction Turn Left onto Hwy 155...
Go 1 Mile to Electric City, South on Hwy155...
You will see Us on the Right Hand Side as you enter the town of Electric
Turn Right Down the Drive, The Office is by the Lake.
For Reservations & Room Pricing...
Please Call between 7:00am & 10pm
Toll Free : (800) 708 - 3014
Local : (509) 633 - 0290 Fax : (509) 633- 3746
Reach Us by
Our Street Address is: 138 Miller Ave.
Electric City, WA 99123